Hey! I’m Leandra

I’m on a mission to get the right messages, with the right wording, to the right people by being the mouthpiece to many changemakers who want to do good in the world!

Born and raised in flat northern Germany with family-roots from Scandinavia, I became an adventurer just like my ancestors.

I’ve always had a flair and passion for languages and words. That was obvious when English caught my interest and turned out to be my favorite subject.

Languages dominated my school years. That’s why, in addition to German and English, French and Spanish followed a few years later.

For me, languages and words have something very powerful. They are the human tool for communication and creating something new.

After graduating, I felt the urge to set off into the wide world. After all, there’s a lot of adventure waiting for me, isn’t it?


St. Moritz

Well, I made it as far as the Alps and spent a few months in snowy St. Moritz – down in the Engadin – as an au pair.

Experiencing a nature, climate, and cultural shock.

Where the dyke used to be my highest hill, I now found myself surrounded by 2000-3000m high mountains.


Back in Germany, I packed my bag with all my knowledge and language skills and set sail for university to study – who would have guessed it – international communication and translation.

Just as I was settling into life as a student, I embarked on my next adventure abroad and fell in love with an island called Ireland.

Cliffs of Moher




After finishing my Bachelor’s degree in early 2018, I once again traveled across the Alps and started working in corporate communications in Zurich.

The following years, I gained a lot of professional expertise and started my Master’s degree in Communication Science and Media Research at the University of Zurich.

As a student I wanted to learn from the best. I developed specialist knowledge and skills alongside my studies at Siemens, PwC, Huawei and CSP.


Fresh out of University with my new degree in hands – I decided to go for marketing.

The boundaries between communication and marketing are often blurred, so I already brought a large suitcase full of knowledge with me.

I quickly felt comfortable in marketing, and the world of online marketing sucked me in.

As I have always had a great thirst for knowledge, I soon involved myself in marketing outside of work too.

In January 2023, I joined this crazy community called Copy Posse and sucessfully completed Alex Cattoni’s 9-week copywriting program.

At the time, I didn’t realize that I laid the foundation for my own business.

In this program, I not only learned what copywriting is all about, but also experienced a rollercoaster ride of emotions around mindset.

I realized that I want to help as many companies and solopreneurs as possible who have good intentions, want to make an impact and act from the heart.

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

I write for individuals, big & small companies, emails, sales pages, ads, VSL, blogs, and more. My passion is email marketing and automation. Sometimes I even help companies build their content strategy, drive SEO, and creating their website.

Although I’m specialized in Copywriting and Marketing Automation, you’ll see that I can help in various areas.

Take a look at some of my previous work

  • Copywriting
  • Content Marketing
  • Marketing Automation
  • Marketing Strategy

What’s Next?

Looking for copywriting support, marketing automation
or a strategy consultation?
I’ve got you covered!

Copywriting Services

Copywriting is the art of putting the right words together in order to let people take a specific action. My extensive repertoire of psychology, communication, marketing, sales and writing is the perfect combination for an effective campaign.

If you’re looking for support for your next sales funnel, let me be your writer and strategist
from A-Z.

Contact me to book a discovery call.

Marketing Automation

The world is becoming increasingly complex. This is also true for marketing. The internet and advancing digitization require certain processes to be automated in order to seamlessly link all touchpoints of the customer journey.

Has automating your marketing activities been on your list for a long time?

Contact me for customized automation measures.

Strategy Session

Over the past 6 years, I have been working in the communication and marketing industry. I’ve had the pleasure to write newsletter, website copy, mailings, ads, and so much more. Always with the right strategy in mind.

If you’re looking for a strategy partner to optimize your business and getting your message out there:

Contact me to book a strategy call.

Let’s Start a Conversation